Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cultural Differences and Movement

Reading “American’s Have a Different Attitude” really opened my eyes to how different ethnicities/cultures see the American culture. The problem I have is that every culture has its own beliefs and customs and one culture should not judge the other for how they do things if they aren’t causing any hurt to others. One thing I did find interesting is that the Filipinos associated the promiscuous American culture with predominantly white women rather than whites, blacks, and others. Looking back, with slavery, and segregation, and even the Tuskegee experiment, it was always the White Americans who looked at the African Americans and other minority races as promiscuous, dirty, etc.

I’m not exactly sure what the numbers are but is it true that white women are more promiscuous, and less family oriented than other cultures/races? If so, it seems that contradicts what it is that White Americans tried to fix with the minority races long ago. One thing that does worry me is that some of these assumptions that other cultures such as the Filipinos have on Americans just aren’t feasible, and they’re way too generalized. Just because some members of one culture do something doesn’t mean that every single person in that culture follows suit. I think the fact that this happens is tied in with prejudice. Prejudices are usually generalized to one culture or race and that can lead to discrimination of that culture and things of that sort. Looking at the Filipino culture presented in the article the beliefs pressured upon them I think may be too strict. I remember talking to my grandparents and parents one time about beliefs and customs and how at times they need to evolve with the time because what they were applied to in the past isn’t the same as what they are being applied to now. There is more technology, more knowledge, and more social advancement in today’s society and in order for children of now to keep up with the advancements and society of now, some things may need to change. I remember reading how one of the Filipino girls did believe that the culture of her people was too strict when it came to dating and having a social life and this caused her to rebel and do what she thought was right.

Another thing that I wanted to touch on was the double standard of gender roles in the cultures like the Filipino culture. Women in these cultures are so restricted that in my opinion they really aren’t allowed to have a life until they get married. I remember reading one of the passages where a young Filipina asked the question “But my question is, if you are not allowed to date, how are you supposed to find your husband?”, I agreed with this question. Why is it that the women are not even allowed to have a male touch their shoulders before they are married, but a male is not even mildly restricted in this area? There is a male privilege in cultures like these, just as there is a white privilege in our American culture. Also, it seems that both of these privileges are somewhat invisible, it’s just a part of the culture and that’s the way that it is. There was an example in a previous lecture dealing with oppositional culture, when white kids do something it’s just kids being kids, but when black or other minority kids do something it suddenly has the title or race on it. I see a connection with that example and what’s going on in cultures such as the Filipino culture. It’s like if a guy were to do something against the culture it’s just boys will be boys but if a girl were to do something slightly against the culture she’s suddenly a disgrace to the culture and women should not be doing what she is doing. It is a new era now and I believe that these cultures need to evolve to fit with the present time. I’m not saying that the American culture is perfect, we do have our faults, especially with promiscuity, but that’s not to say that we don’t have morals. I’m saying, move with the time, but don’t leave the basis of your culture behind.

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